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My first try

It worked!  Its not so hard.  I followed the guidelines in the book I had 
for starting out. I loaded the film in my bathroom with a blanket over the 
camera and film.  I shot the whole role at F11 125 shutter speed (around 2pm 
sunny day) #25 red filter with a 50mm fixed lense. Unloaded the film the 
same way, TAPED the lid shut (the photoplace always wants to take the film 
out of the canister before even noticeing its Infrared, the guy did this 
when I was there but realized it was taped on and that it was Infrared 
(lucky for me), so tape it!) I would say about 30 of the 36 were exposed 
pretty close to perfect. I am going to print them today and I can correct 
any under/over exposures myself. Got some good ones of clouds and trees, it 
looks great in Infrared.  I've only seen the negatives so far though.
I was a bit worried because I heard the Canon EOS Elan(my camera) has some 
problems with infrared.  The only area fogged is the lower part of the 
negative where the teeth marks are.  There is maybe a 1mm area that might be 
in the frame and its not as fogged as the area on the teeth marks.  I dont 
mind this since I like to print the whole frame on the hollowed out 
enlargers, with the whole negative, it gives it a more artsy look. The 
fogging will look cool.  If you crop there wont be any visable at all.  
Pretty damn cool, now I need to buy a changing bag so I can do as many rolls 
as I want.

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