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Re: My first try

  • From: BillNoll@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: My first try
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 17:44:55 EST


Congratulations on your first infrared roll!

I'm sure you'll continue to enjoy shooting this wonderful and mysterious 
film. It's still fun to try some different exposures - I usually bracket plus 
one stop and plus two stops, as I've found the infrared effect can change 
quite a bit with a slightly longer exposure. Or maybe a stop less if I want 
that REALLY black sky.

I do want to thank you for the information regarding the EOS Elan. I keep an 
old EOS Rebel around just for infrared, but it's broken and I haven't shot 
infrared the last few months. My other camera is the EOS Elan (with the 
infrared sprocket counter) and I'll now try shooting with it, based on your 
experience. I also like halo effect on the sprocket holes for creative full 
frame printing.

Thanks again and good luck!

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