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EOS fogging (Re: My first try)

  • From: Bertha Adamson <badamson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: EOS fogging (Re: My first try)
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 21:52:46 -0700

BillNoll@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I do want to thank you for the information regarding the EOS Elan. I keep an
> old EOS Rebel around just for infrared, but it's broken and I haven't shot
> infrared the last few months. My other camera is the EOS Elan (with the
> infrared sprocket counter) and I'll now try shooting with it, based on your
> experience. I also like halo effect on the sprocket holes for creative full
> frame printing.

Bill (and Brian)

I would be interested to hear if you have any other, much fainter fogging. A
friend tried out some Kodak in her EOS A2E and got the strong fogging around
the sprocket holes. But there is also some other much less obvious fogging. 
Now, this was her first experience with Kodak IR in 35mm and she had problems
loading the film for development on a plastic reel because of the much thinner
base. She left it in the plastic tank and I loaded it on a steel reel for her
a little later (I'm better with the steel myself). SO the fogging could have
occurred then.  But she is wondering if it came from the counter in the A2E. 
I have an Elan, but I have only run IR through my original Rebel and old Canon
AE-1P,which do not have the counter.


Email:  badamson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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