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Maco thought

While reading the page describing the new Maco IR film I noticed that the
anti-halation coating was water soluble and had to be removed prior to
processing.  This led to the thought that, for those wanting the halo effect, it
should be possible, if risky, to pull out the entire length of the unexposed
film (in the dark of course) carefully soak it for a minute or so and then let
it dry before rewinding into the cassette.  Naturally 4x5 should be even
easier.  The 120 will be more of a problem but not insolvable I think.  The mere
idea of a 120 IR film is exciting enough to make one surmount all obstacles.

     Don Roberts -Bittersweet Productions - Iowa City, Iowa
                         *                                        *
But sometimes what we call "memory" and what we call "imagination"
are not so easily distinguished. -- Leslie Marmon Silko

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