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Re: Maco thought

phil wrote:

> Marco Pauck wrote:
> >
> > > While reading the page describing the new Maco IR film I noticed that the
> > > anti-halation coating was water soluble and had to be removed prior to
> > > processing.  This led to the thought that, for those wanting the halo effect, it
> > > should be possible, if risky, to pull out the entire length of the unexposed
> > > film (in the dark of course) carefully soak it for a minute or so and then let
> > > it dry before rewinding into the cassette.  Naturally 4x5 should be even
> > > easier.  The 120 will be more of a problem but not insolvable I think.  The mere
> > > idea of a 120 IR film is exciting enough to make one surmount all obstacles.
> >
> > Right, washing before exposure was suggested by the MACO folks while
> > talking about the pro & cons of the anti-halation layer.

> Yes Marco is right. They do say you can soak the film for 1 minute
> in just water to get the green dye out. Then what? Hang it up
> to dry in the darkroom and take a nap until you can put it back
> in it's container?

Actually Phil, I originated the message about soaking off the anti-halation layer in
the dark; Mauro was adding to my post but no matter.  Anyway, you can probably rig a
light trap solution to the problem without a lot of effort.  If not, naps are fine.

     Don Roberts -Bittersweet Productions - Iowa City, Iowa
                         *                                        *
But sometimes what we call "memory" and what we call "imagination"
are not so easily distinguished. -- Leslie Marmon Silko

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