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Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light

  • From: "Brian Fulgham" <brianfulgham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:15:18 PST

I just got it back, no fogging!  At least none that I can notice.  It looks 
about the same as my last roll. So, if someone opens it for a split second, 
no problems.  Now I need to start bracketing.  The exposures vary a lot.

>From: "Tim Rudman" <tim.rudman@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: infrared@xxxxx
>To: <infrared@xxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light
>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:00:02 -0000
> >>you stand the risk of a few canisters being opened for
> >> inspection before they are put through the X-Ray scanner. >>
> > This is what happened to me.  Luckily, the lady who opened one was nice
> > enough to not open the other (which is rare).  My film was not fogged, 
> > would rather have it X-rayed the next time,
> >
> > zman
> >
>Yes, this happened to me once at Heathrow - 6 rolls were opened by 1 man
>when I was talking to another i.e. before I had chance to stop him.
>I refused to take the film back as ruined, and claimed and received a full
>refund on the film as it carried a clear warning.
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