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Re: Availability of NEW Maco IR film in the USA

  • From: Graham <cmm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Availability of NEW Maco IR film in the USA
  • Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 22:26:03 -0500

Hi all,

I've only be able to follow a bit of this thread,
is the Maco film going to be available in 120 size as well?

cheers, Graham

At 06:05 PM 11/26/99 EST, you wrote:
>Just got the following message
>Thanks for your interest in our new IR film.
>Call Gary at 888 322 2438
>Five-roll can of 135-36 is $27
>4x5 25 sheets   $29.50
>Ike Royer
>Cachet Fine Art Photographic Paper Co
>So for all you people in the USA, you now have pricing and contact 
>information to purchase this new film.
>Peace Rolland Elliott
      Graham            cmm@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Are the shadows there for me to find, or placed there by my searching mind.
When I reach and find them gone, was I right or was I wrong?

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