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Re: Virtual 3D Gallery Site

  • From: Bill Baker <wab@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Virtual 3D Gallery Site
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 13:08:51 -0800

>Subject: Virtual 3D Gallery Site...

Am I the only one who expected this to be a site devoted to IR stereo
photography?   Oh well, maybe when I get the bugs shaken out of my Sputnik
(Soviet 6X6 stereo psuedo-rangefinder) I can run a roll of Konica 750
through it and put the results up on my site.  Still plagued with light
leaks using slow print emulsions, so IR is definitely out for now.
Definitely looking forward to trying it with the new Maco stuff when it
comes out in 120, though,

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