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Re: Wood effect

Neils Bore (sic) did not invent the Wood effect, thereby shortening the
hours of the Irish pubs by virtually 6.9 seconds reducing the gross national
product by a negative number and leaving Limerick, Ireland without
a limerick. Anon Anon
----- Original Message -----
From: Rod Sage <rsage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Infrared <INFRARED@xxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: Wood effect

> I asked:
> >Could someone explain the Wood effect? Sounds like there's a joke in
> >there somewhere.
> >RDS
> Then Clive responded:
> >There should be a joke there but it simply means green foliage
> appearing white.
> >The effect can only observed indirectly without the use of
> hallucinogens.
> After posting my message I went to the archives and found:
> "the Wood-effect was first reported in 1910 by a guy named Wood when
>                    shooting with a filter of 720nm." etc.
> First I felt stupid. Duh! Then I began to wonder when infrared film was
> first used. Was Mr. Wood using infrared film or simply used a filter on
> typical pan or ortho film which happened to have a wide sensitivity
> range? Where can I find info on early IR films? I have never seen early
> IR photos other than military WWII era.
> *
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