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Question: IR Night Vision + Video Camera

  • From: Mark Andrew Macleod <mamacleo@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Question: IR Night Vision + Video Camera
  • Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 15:08:17 -0300 (ADT)

I'm a Canadian engineering student working on IR threshold &
sensitivity summer project. This project requires a high quality "night
vision" device mounted in front of a hi-quality digital camera for a
series of experiments.

A friend involved with IR photography recommended me to your newsgroup.
Although I am an amateur photographer, I have not experimented with IR
film (maybe now is the best time to begin).

If you can recommend types & models of high quality "night vision" devices
available and where I would obtain them, I would be grateful. 

Mark MacLeod
Dalhousie University 
Halifax, Canada

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