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Re: E-4

  • From: George L Smyth <glsmyth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: E-4
  • Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 13:05:50 -0700 (PDT)

--- thunder cat <thundercat56@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Could any of yall give me any info on where i can get either a E-4 developing

If you have the newer version of EIR you can get it processed via E6 (just make
sure that the processor that is used does not employ infrared sensors).  If
you've got the older version then you're stuck with E4 or AR5.  I believe that
there are two places in the US that do this, but I don't remember them (would
Rocky Mountain Photo be one?).

The problem with the older version is that it cannot be kept at room
temperature more than a couple of weeks.  For this reason, after sending it to
(I think) Rocky Mountain Photo it took them a couple of months to get it back
to me.  Of course, by that time a blue cast had formed over all of the slides.

> i`m going on a trip next summer and i fear the Evil X-ray. so im figuring it
would be easier to just buy film there. last question will the X-ray hurt IR

No, the X-ray machines will have not affect the film as long as you carry it on
with you. 


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