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Re: E-4

  • From: "phillip geller" <filje@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: E-4
  • Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 20:15:23 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: thunder cat <thundercat56@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <infrared@xxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 1:48 PM
Subject: E-4

> Hi there,
> Could any of yall
> give me any info
> on where i can get
> either a E-4 developing kit
> or just get it developed ?
> a friend of mine gave me several good rolls
> of kodak EI real cheep
> and kodak tells me i cant cross process it
> at all.
> and also i was wondering if
> any of yall could suggest
> a store in the london area
> with reasonable film prices?
> i`m going on a trip next summer
> and i fear the Evil X-ray.
> so im figuring it would be
> easier to just buy film there.
> last question
> will the X-ray hurt IR film?

only if in is in your checked luggage.

the formula  for E 4 chemistry is at.


E4 film cannot be processed in E6. The emulsion of transparency film
before E6 and VNF had to be hardened to be processed at 100 degrees
otherwise the emulsion would get so soft it would fall off the film base.
You could try getting an e6 kit and making up your own batch of prehardener
The other solution would be to try to process in E6 at 75 to 80 degrees -
in which case it would take you about an hour instead of 20 minutes.

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  • References:
    • E-4
      • From: thunder cat