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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

  • From: Heather <meandmydal@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 11:43:53 -0700

Hi Edward,
Thanks for the welcome and the great review!
As for your question,

> What does a
> dalmatian look like in IR?

I am DYING to know!!!!!!
I just shot my very first roll of IR last week and thought I would start
with something i thought would be easiest, scenery. I brought my dal
along with me, but he got the day off as a model.
i would welcome some sugestions on the best type of scene to shoot him
in though as this is something I am most anxious to do. i am afraid if i
do it on grass I will loose him  in the grass, the whites all blending
together too much???
I had thought about doing it in the studio on black, but have no clue
how IR will work in the studio. (I use floods)
As I said, ANY sugestions on this will be most welcomed!

Shadowtint:Hand Painted B&W Fine Art Images

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