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RE: Heather/Bio/Infrared

Heather, you mentioned that you needed help with IR. Have you shot any yet?
If you had less than stellar luck, may I be among the first to say, "Welcome
to the club!". ;-) If you did shoot some IR, tell us how it was exposed and
how you developed it, perhaps list members could offer suggestions as to how
to correct problems with such.

For an idea of contrast, try shooting your pooch on blacktop or asphalt.
Roads tend to be rendered dark on IR.
I've shot some white cows on grass and thought it looked pretty cool. To
each their own. IR, BTW, is great for hand coloring. And, have you heard of Give it a look.

As for shooting in the studio, hot lights have a great deal of IR. You could
try setting your speed at 400 ASA and do a +/- 2 stops on either side. Let
us know how your developing the IR also. I've had good luck with X-Tol 1+1,
68F, 10-11 min with 5 sec agitation each 30 sec. IR, however is very
touchy-feely and needs practice to get results that one can live with.

Good luck, I loved your site,

R. Gary Hall
Infrared and lith prints...

>Heather wrote...

>I am afraid if I do it on grass I will loose him  in the grass, the whites
all blending together too much???
>I had thought about doing it in the studio on black, but have no clue how
IR will work in the studio. (I use floods)
>As I said, ANY sugestions on this will be most welcomed!

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