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Vertical lines, Noblex

  • From: Tomas Segebladh <segebladh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Vertical lines, Noblex
  • Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:57:06 +0200

Hi guys,
Thank you very much for showing such intrest in my problem. Thats right when shooting direct into the sun you get a very strong "banding" in the film. This I can understand but this is not a problem, do not take pictures into the sun!
These vertical lines that made me confused is a matter of the scanningprocess!  I made a new scan today and I turned the negative 180° and the lines did not show up at same places when comparing the two scannings from the same negative. So now I will turn over my problems to  AGFA  (I´m using a Duoscan but I am dreaming about a Imacon).
Keep it up,