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Re: bergger 5" roll film

  • From: Clayton Tume <tume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: bergger 5" roll film
  • Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 09:14:11 +1300

Andy, Ron

I did a workshop a couple of months ago and the Bergger USA man was there as
they supplied all sheet film and paper for the workshop. I had a discussion
with him about roll film and he said no problem but not for Cirkut cameras.
They can't supply it on a thin enough base, he said the same question has
been asked many times and the reply is always the same.

I use Kodak aerial film which is always easy to get in 5" and 9 1/2" rolls,
Ilford also makes the same stuff if you prefer their emulsions. Aerial film
has slightly different characteristics to conventional film with extended
red sensitivity which helps to cut through haze. This can be helpful with
scenic work and generally I've found the film quite adequate for the work I


> Andy:
> It would be wise to know the thickness of the film base.  I think of sheet
> film as being too thick to work in cameras like the cirkut.
> Ron Klein