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Re: Image sharpness and focus distance.

  • From: Ernst Dinkla <ernst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Image sharpness and focus distance.
  • Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 19:58:33 +0100 (BST)

In <URL:news:lokaal.panorama> on Tue 24 Oct, Robert Erickson wrote:

> focused. For my LarScan homebuilts I prefered to use
> zoom lenses. I would shoot test rolls and mark on the
> barrel where to set the zoom for different focus
> distances and set the zoom for matching image size.

I did read that some time ago and thought that lenses
with front lens focusing could be an answer as well. The focal
length of the lens is in fact changed instead of true focusing.
It could make things worse or better for image size, I don't know.
Of course focusing like that degrades the image quality in general.

Ernst Dinkla  Serigrafie,Zeefdruk            The point will never be metric