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Re: Image sharpness and focus distance.

  • From: CiramaVentures@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Image sharpness and focus distance.
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 00:06:29 -0400 (EDT)

Simon Nathan, I asked for your help in my last e-mail.  I didn't get an 
answer. Your self serving reasons took my children away from my parents. You 
made the decision to do what you did, and you have the power to right a 
wrong.  Soon my parents will die of old age without seeing my children.  I 
asked for your help uncle Simon.  That's what my children use to call you.  
My children.  I ran across a card you sent me back in the 80's it was of my 
ex-wife and children. You wrote on the card that it was shot with a Canon 
24mm f 1.4, but the real reason for the card was that you could see my 
children and I couldn't.  However you forgot one thing, my parents can't see 
them either. Why do my parents have to suffer because you couldn't get from 
me what you wanted?  They are 91 and 84 years old, don't let them die without 
at least trying to right this wrong.
