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Message for Simon Nathan

Hi Michael,

Wouldn't it be best to send your message direct to Simon rather than to
the Panorama List?
I don't think that the list is the right place to send your message.

All the best

CiramaVentures@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Simon Nathan, I asked for your help in my last e-mail.  I didn't get an
> answer. Your self serving reasons took my children away from my parents. You
> made the decision to do what you did, and you have the power to right a
> wrong.  Soon my parents will die of old age without seeing my children.  I
> asked for your help uncle Simon.  That's what my children use to call you.
> My children.  I ran across a card you sent me back in the 80's it was of my
> ex-wife and children. You wrote on the card that it was shot with a Canon
> 24mm f 1.4, but the real reason for the card was that you could see my
> children and I couldn't.  However you forgot one thing, my parents can't see
> them either. Why do my parents have to suffer because you couldn't get from
> me what you wanted?  They are 91 and 84 years old, don't let them die without
> at least trying to right this wrong.
> Michael