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Re: Cirkut reduction copy negs

  • From: "Robert J. Lang or Hope Conley Lang" <bobhope@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Cirkut reduction copy negs
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 18:35:39 -0500

Clayton and others interested---

	All you have to do to copy Cirkut prints with a Cirkut camera is use the
program I wrote, either in the original form, or in the version you fellows
in New Zealand produced.  Put in all your parameters and select the focus
distance and gear that give you the image magnification you want (.5 for
making the half size negative).  Put the camera in the center of a circle
whose radius is the distance between the pivot and the print to be copied.
The print is placed on the circle.  I use corrugated cardboard bent to form
the circular section and hold it to a table with masking tape.  I also use
masking tape to hold the print to the cardboard.  (The setup is just like
you would use to make a group shot, only in miniature.)  I attach a flood
light to the camera and let it ride along to light the print, making sure
that it is far enough to the side to avoid reflections back into the lens.
When calculating exposure don't forget the bellows extension, which is

	The negative you obtain produces prints that are much better than you
would get by scanning the original print---nearly as good as the original.
