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RE: Love your place! and Equipment

Hello Geroge and list,
I do feel lucky to be here.  I get some really fun behind the scenes access
to cool stuff.  Shot Titanic artifacts all summer, among other things.  

Its funny you mention a panoramic exhibit here at the Museum.  In the early
nineties (I think) there was a temporary panoramic exhibit consisting mostly
of photographs with some samples and explanations of different panoramic
cameras.  It was not a full exhibit as you have described but if I'm not
mistaken (and I might be as I was not here when the exhibit opened) it had a
lot of help and support from the IAPP.  You can rest assured I am always
pushing for any photo related material to be out on the floor.  Photography
is listed in the original charter of the museum.  

On a different note I took some Super Angulons  and a Widelux to eBay to
finance a Noblex I have long yearned for.  The reserves are lower than
market value, if you are interested here are the links. 

90mm f/5.6 Super Angulon, covers 6x17

65mm f/8 Super Angulon, covers 4x5

F6B Widelux and accessories,


Dirk Fletcher
Staff Photographer
Museum of Science and Industry
Chicago, Illinois

773.684.9844  ext. 2438

> ----------
> From: 	George Pearl
> Sent: 	Tuesday, November 14, 2000 5:45 PM
> To: 	Dirk.Fletcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: 	panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; IAPPPresident@xxxxxxx;
> cirkut8@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: 	Love your place!
> Dear Dirk,
>    I just saw your post on the list, and noticed that you work at one of
> my very favorite places in the whole world: the 
> Museum of Science and Industry
> Chicago, Illinois
>      Do you think your msi officers to be would be interested in making a
> panorama exhibit? We at IAPP would surely have members willing to give you
> much help with the exhibit. It would be so cool to perhaps see a big
> Curkit Camera rotating around and watching the film go by in the opposite
> direction. Maybe have a digital panorama camera photographing the entire
> room and displaying a new big image every couple of minutes. People would
> get to see themselves someplace in the room each time the camera goes
> around. We could have huge panoramas blown up that people could walk
> inside of and look all around 360 degrees. You could show VR and objects
> spinning around...just all sorts of stuff. Did you know there is 3-D
> panorama photography?!!! Aerial too. Panorama is the "in thing" now. See
> for the International Association of Panoramic
> Photographers. There needs to be an exhibit on this specialized form of
> photography as it is over 100 years old and still cooking. Most people
> don't properly understand it. When you talk about panorama, they think
> THEY can do that just as good with their little point and shoot camera in
> the "panoramic mode". These folks need to see just how inadequate what
> they are doing really is! 
>     You have the power to make things happen there by dropping a few lines
> in the right direction. What do you think? 
> My best,
> George S. Pearl, QPP
> Atlanta Panorama