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Wow! PR Disasters was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty

  • From: Robert Monaghan <rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Wow! PR Disasters was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty
  • Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 19:33:49 -0600 (CST)

Wow! What an incredibly bad disaster to inflict upon your corporation's 
reputation! Talk about sowing fear and doubt in the marketplace and 
shooting yourselves in the foot. Did your lawyers read and approve this?

So you are going to refuse to provide factory warranties or defect support on
brand new in the box Noblex cameras and plan on leaving us poor
consumers in the lurch with unrepairable and unsupported brand new Noblex
cameras? And WE are supposed to keep track of which ones by model and s/n?

Thanks for the warning. Trust me, I will never, ever buy one of your 
products, and I will warn anybody I see online asking about panoramic 
cameras to do so too - no sense in us poor consumers taking a chance on 
getting stuck with one of these expensive Noblex cameras you have 
arbitrarily decided to orphan and refuse to support while new in the box. 

Thanks for the warning - I'm really taking it to heart... bobm

* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *
* Medium Format Cameras: megasite*