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followup was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty

  • From: Robert Monaghan <rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: followup was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:51:43 -0600 (CST)

Just a followup, in case it isn't obvious, but a manufacturer simply can't
disclaim responsibility for defective products in the USA, and certainly
not provide adequate notice by email to random newsgroups. If the mfger
refuses to provide a warranty or repair defective products, the various US
state courts will liberally construe a warranty for the consumer under the
various Uniform Commercial Code and product liability laws, as well as
under such federal laws as the Magnuson-Moss Consumer Protection Act of
1976 (as amended). You can also find lots of restraint of trade and other
torts under which you might have recourse too - including possibly treble
damages under civil RICO too? I don't know what the CP laws are in Germany,
or Australia, but I don't think you as an innocent consumer purchasing
such a product would be left holding the bag with a defective product
either. But if they are this anti-consumer, why would anyone want to do 
business with them?....

* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *
* Medium Format Cameras: megasite*