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Re: Noblex warranties

  • From: Ellis Vener <evphoto@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Noblex warranties
  • Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 20:49:06 -0600

Wow! What stupid and ill thought out thoughts! A manufacturer is 
alerting you to a potential problem and your impulse is to start 
Silly goose. what if these cameras were stolen? Should the thieves be 
allowed to profit?

I look forward to never seeing the images you will now never make.

Ellis Vener

>Wow!  Great thoughts and well put.
>A Lindsey
>Wow! What an incredibly bad disaster to inflict upon your corporation's
>reputation! Talk about sowing fear and doubt in the marketplace and
>shooting yourselves in the foot. Did your lawyers read and approve this?
>So you are going to refuse to provide factory warranties or defect
>support on
>brand new in the box Noblex cameras and plan on leaving us poor
>consumers in the lurch with unrepairable and unsupported brand new
>cameras? And WE are supposed to keep track of which ones by model and
>Thanks for the warning. Trust me, I will never, ever buy one of your
>products, and I will warn anybody I see online asking about panoramic
>cameras to do so too - no sense in us poor consumers taking a chance on
>getting stuck with one of these expensive Noblex cameras you have
>arbitrarily decided to orphan and refuse to support while new in the
>Thanks for the warning - I'm really taking it to heart... bobm
>* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182
>rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *
>* Medium Format Cameras: