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Re: Noblex warranties

  • From: Denton Taylor <denton@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Noblex warranties
  • Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:43:24 -0500

At 08:49 PM 12/13/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Wow! What stupid and ill thought out thoughts! A manufacturer is alerting 
>you to a potential problem and your impulse is to start clucking.
>Silly goose. what if these cameras were stolen? Should the thieves be 
>allowed to profit?

Hmm, I own a Noblex 135U that I use and love. I have the greatest respect 
for Noblex and its products. And no one stole anything.

I sense Noblex here is more interested in protecting their distributors 
than in protecting us, the ultimate consumer. Without us, distributors will 
not exist, nor will Noblex. Note that any camera sold by an 'unauthorized 
distributor', as Noblex insists, was at some point purchased either from 
Noblex or an authorized distributor. So Bob is right, why shouldn't Noblex 
service the camera?

In fact, Noblex' distribution is not all it's cracked up to be. When I 
damaged the meter for my Noblex (no fault of anyone but myself), and I 
contacted both Noblex and RTS (Noblex' North American distributor) it was 
insisted by both that I send the meter to Professional Camera Service. But 
PCS wouldn't touch it, and ultimately I had to send the meter back to 
Germany for repair. Thank goodness I live in NYC or the process would have 
been even more frustrating.

It's a global economy these days and if Noblex has distribution problems it 
should deal with them by disciplining its wayward distributors, not by 
trying to scare off its loyal users.

Finally I'm so glad Noblex has chosen to join our little panoramic list. I 
don't recall them offering advice or support before. They only pipe up when 
one of their distributors is pitching a bitch. Hey guys, wanna charge us 
more? How about a little more support!!!

Denton Taylor

Photogallery at
Panoramas and Immersive Imaging at