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RE: Noblex Discussion

  • From: "Xiong, Zonghou (DEM, North Ryde)" <Zonghou.Xiong@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Noblex Discussion
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:03:15 +1100

My initial response to the original message was that if it was from Noblex 
at all.  Then I checked the email address.  That was not a professional way
to distribute info to say at least.  If it was indeed from a true rep from 
Noblex, they need to sort out things better ways.  Any problems between 
Noblex and its distributors must not be passed on the us consumers.  Noblex 
has enjoyed a unique lead in the past.  But as the digital revolution keeps
unfolding, you better watch out.

Zonghou Xiong

-----Original Message-----
From: Allen & Gail Lefebvre [mailto:ag.lefebvre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 4:46 PM
To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Noblex Discussion

Well, it didn't take long for this normally helpful and courteous discussion
forum to degenerate quickly.  I must same I am disappointed.  It's not what
have come to expect from this group.

Maybe we should start by asking Noblex what their motives are before we jump
conclusions.  Perhaps they will share them with the list and fill in the
hole in their initial email.

For what it's worth, I recently had my 150F repaired by Noblex Canada in
Vancouver, and their service couldn't have been better.  Great turnaround
not over-priced.


PS:  By the way I LOVE the NASA composite image.  Thanks for sharing it!
Now if
only I had a small percent of NASA's budget for doing these things....

View the photography of Allen Lefebvre at: