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Re: followup was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty

  • From: ralph fuerbringer <rof@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: followup was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:14:09 -0500

while i would hope robert managhan is correct, i have considerable doubts
about his assurances.  years ago when they had the hot  photo items leica
and nikon did not just refuse to service anything brought
into this country by anyone other than their appointed importers. at customs
they insisted that the name leica and nikon be scratched off. they did not
abandon this defacing of gorgeous cameras becuase of any law forbidding it.
they soon realized that no one was going to buy thousands of dollars of
auxilaary lenses for a scratched up camera body.  i very much suspect that
the law that allowed this horrific defacing still exists but is not enforded
because it backfires on the importer.

> From: Robert Monaghan <rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:51:43 -0600 (CST)
> To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: followup was Re: NOBLEX cameras without warranty
> Just a followup, in case it isn't obvious, but a manufacturer simply can't
> disclaim responsibility for defective products in the USA, and certainly
> not provide adequate notice by email to random newsgroups. If the mfger
> refuses to provide a warranty or repair defective products, the various US
> state courts will liberally construe a warranty for the consumer under the
> various Uniform Commercial Code and product liability laws, as well as
> under such federal laws as the Magnuson-Moss Consumer Protection Act of
> 1976 (as amended). You can also find lots of restraint of trade and other
> torts under which you might have recourse too - including possibly treble
> damages under civil RICO too? I don't know what the CP laws are in Germany,
> or Australia, but I don't think you as an innocent consumer purchasing
> such a product would be left holding the bag with a defective product
> either. But if they are this anti-consumer, why would anyone want to do
> business with them?....
> * Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 rmonagha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *
> * Medium Format Cameras: megasite*