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RE: Panoramic Photo Exhibit at RIT invitation possibly

  • From: Statewide Photo <statewidephoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Panoramic Photo Exhibit at RIT invitation possibly
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 23:03:18 -0500

Hi Andy - Great Idea. I hope you are able to pull it off.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADavidhazy [mailto:ANDPPH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:14 PM
> To: Don Roberts
> Cc: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ANDPPH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Panoramic Photo Exhibit at RIT invitation possibly
> Fellow Panoramicists  (!)
> I am trying to ascertain whether there is a slim chance that it
> may be possible
> to hold a curated exhibition of panoramic photographs in the
> gallery of the
> School of Photographic Arts and Sciences this coming April or 2001.
> In order for this to happen, and an invitation actually to be
> extended for all
> to participate, I need to share with you some of the realities of the
> situation:
> 1. I have no money to fund this at all.
> If we are still on talking terms then it would be useful if I
> could get an idea
> of how many of you would be interested in participating ...
> remembering I have
> no funds to cover any expenses ... meaning I can not pay for
> shipping either
> way nor frame nor insure for shipping damages, etc. (While
> hanging the images
> would be insured).
> In order for me to know how many individuals would be interested in
> participating (and, please, don't tell me I am being unfair,
> cheap, etc. ... I
> am trying to make the best of an opportunity and recognize that
> this may not be
> seen like that by anyone else but me) I am suggesting you let me
> know by way of
> an autoresponder process I have installed to help me assess the situation.
> If you are interested please follow these instructions:
> 1. prepare an email addressed to:       ritphoto@xxxxxxx
> 2. on the Subject line state:           panorama
> 3. in the body of the message:          what you would send ...
> piece(s), size
> 4. send it
> By autoreply you will simply get an acknolwedgement of receipt of
> your message.
> Based on the response I will then decide if this is a doable
> exhibition. BTW,
> "curated" would mean not only meeting an exhibition's quality
> criterion but
> also because if there is an overwhelming response it may be impossible to
> accomodate everyone and then tough choices would have to be made.
> If you are uniterested or if I have offended you in any way,
> please accept my
> apologies for this posting.
> regards,
> Andrew  o o  0 0 o . o  Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech
>          \/\/\/\/\/\/
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