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8" Cirkut Spools

  • From: Dick Streff <ds85035@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: 8" Cirkut Spools
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 23:19:35 -0600

Thanks to everyone who answered my previous question about the Cirkut
ring gear. You've been of great assistance. I've got the latest version
of the gear program up and running and it works beautifully.

I've constructed a gear head for a stray 8" outfit back I recently
bought and fitted to an 8x10 camera of mine. So far, so good. It seems
to be running well without film. Now I'd like try a full dress rehearsal.

I'm wondering if anyone on the list would be willing to send me a couple
empty 8" spools. Even better, I'd be absolutely ecstatic if someone
could send me a burnt up roll of film.  I'd like to check the transport
of the 8" outfit back . I don't care what the emulsion is, and I
certainly don't want to waste a fresh roll. If you have something to
spare, let me know and I'll cover the postage, etc.


Dick Streff