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Re: Cardboard mounts for 35mm x-pan, noblex etc?

  • From: "Russell A. Graves" <russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Cardboard mounts for 35mm x-pan, noblex etc?
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:00:23 -0600


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Segal" <dsegal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <wbill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 5:50 PM
Subject: Cardboard mounts for 35mm x-pan, noblex etc?

> Dear Pan Listers,
> The widelux mount thread continues, although somewhat altered...
> Does anyone know who carries cardboard mounts in quantities for x-pan
> besides Franklin Photo Products? I think the x-pan frame size is 24 x 64mm
> which makes it  almost exactly the same as a 35mm Noblex (24 x65mm) but a
> bit wider than the widelux 35mm frame.
> I am looking for a decent quality stiff cardboard mount. These would be
> stock photo filing, not projection.
> Thanks, Doug
> --
> Doug Segal  dsegal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Panoramic Images, Chicago
> "world's greatest collection of wide format stock photos"
> tel. 312 236-8545 fax 312 704-4077
> > From: Bill Barton <wbill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Reply-To: wbill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 09:25:57 -0500
> > To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: Glass mounts for 35mm Widelux slides?
> >
> > Any shop that carries the GEPE slide mts can order the following
> >
> > #2603 Panoramic plastic and AN glass slide mts 22 x 54 mm
> >
> > They come 20 to a box and will fit any 6 x 6 slide projector....
> >
> > wbill
> >