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Re: Free Portfolio Site

  • From: George L Smyth <glsmyth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Free Portfolio Site
  • Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:41:43 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Willem-Jan Markerink wrote:

> On 21 Nov 99 at 13:15, Stanee Rae Pettit Murray wrote:
> > Just read about this in the November issue of Digital Imaging Magazine:
> > -----
> >    Recently introduced free, self-managed online
> > portfolios for creative professionals worldwide.  You can now create,
> > manage, and update your personal online portfolio right from your desktop
> > in a password-protected environment.  Ad agencies and marketing companies
> > can tap into the site to search for creative talent.  
> > -----
> > There's a separate section for photographers.
> Not to pick on you, but be damn sure to read the fine print in the 
> agreement/contract.
> (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch)

Also, remember that there are a zillion places out there that are willing
to give you free space for your own site.  Building one can be as easy as
you wish (or as complex as you wish).

When my provider complained about excessive traffic on my site, I moved
all articles and images off site to a place that gives me free Web space
(there is a small advertising banner at the bottom of the page - not an
obnoxious, obtrusive popup like Geocities).

You can promote your own site, which will be much more fun than being part
of someone else's.


Handmade Photographic Images

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