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Re: Maco Infrared film??

now that you have some of this film would you be
kind enough as to scan in some photos you have
taken with it?

also i would be interested in what the Kodak TSF S0-033
and the Ilford SP 816T lookslike too.

Evan Taylor
Graphic Designer
Dumb Computers

> Oh, Eckhard, you were a little faster than I with posting ... ;-)
> However, I already had the opportunity today to have a look
> at some sample negatives and prints, and I also have a can of
> 5 cartridges in my hands  ;-)
> Now that I got samples of this new film as well as Kodak TSF SO-033
> and Ilford SP 816T, I really should take some time and go out to
> find some appropriate subjects for test shots!  ;-)
> Too bad that the weather here in northern Germany is so ugly right
> now ...

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