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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

  • From: Heather <meandmydal@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 15:37:32 -0700

Hi Robert and all,

Robert Hall wrote:

> Heather, you mentioned that you needed help with IR. Have you shot any yet?

Yes, just shot my first roll this past Tuesday. I used the Kodak IR film

> If you had less than stellar luck, may I be among the first to say, "Welcome
> to the club!". ;-) If you did shoot some IR, tell us how it was exposed and
> how you developed it, perhaps list members could offer suggestions as to how
> to correct problems with such.

Well then.. thank you for the welcome! I guess the best way to put it is, it was
not exactly what i had hoped for as far as results go. I expected my first try
to be a huge success, which I know is unrealistic, but that is how I often dive
into projects ;D
I am shooting with an Elan II and was aware of the sprocket fogging that would
occur and planned ahead on my shots as far as cropping goes. As I said, i used
the Kodak IR film and had my ASA set at 50. I had the processing done by a pro
lab and then did my own contact sheets and printing. One of the things I was
surprised by was the grain, Wow! Didn't expect that at all, and have since
learned that the lower the ASA the more the grain. Someone has suggested I shoot
it at 400 next time. Another mistake I may have made is the paper I printed on.
I have almost always printed on Luminos RCR ART grade II paper. This is  my
favorite for hand tinting and I have a rather big supply of it. I have never
been a real fan of variable contrast papers, but am beginning to see I may need
to change my ways.

>  IR, BTW, is great for hand coloring. And, have you heard of
> Give it a look.

Oh yes, to both! My hand tinting is the reason i am trying to get going with IR,
I love the dreamy, of another time look that IR has. is a terrific source, i have been with them since they started up
and was also one of the first featured artists there, I am listed there as
Tinting an IR  print is a whole new method to learn for me as well. On my
regular B&W prints I most often use a heavy application of color, which I have
found does not work well on the IR prints at all. So... basically i am starting
out form scratch! It has been a bit frustrating and quite a learning experience!

> As for shooting in the studio, hot lights have a great deal of IR. You could
> try setting your speed at 400 ASA and do a +/- 2 stops on either side.

Thanks I will give this a try!

> Let
> us know how your developing the IR also.

I am going to continue having the lab do my processing for now i think. All of
my B&W is shot with Ilford XP2 and I have the lab process that too. One less
thing to worry about.

> I've had good luck with X-Tol 1+1,
> 68F, 10-11 min with 5 sec agitation each 30 sec. IR, however is very
> touchy-feely and needs practice to get results that one can live with.
> Good luck, I loved your site,

Thanks! I just viewed yours too, I love your rose shot in the abstract section!
Shadowtint:Hand Painted B&W Fine Art Images

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