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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

>I have almost always printed on Luminos RCR ART grade II paper. This is  my
>favorite for hand tinting and I have a rather big supply of it. I have never
>been a real fan of variable contrast papers, but am beginning to see I may 
>to change my ways.

Noooooo....   change you processing to match the paper. If you can't get it 
to work, then change if you have to.  The suggestions you'll get from 
people here will be a good start but you may need to fine tune it to your 
needs.  I don't like seeing photographers compromise on their preferred 
printing paper just because someone/everyone says it can't be done.

>I am going to continue having the lab do my processing for now i think. All of
>my B&W is shot with Ilford XP2 and I have the lab process that too. One less
>thing to worry about.

That might take a lot of communication to get what you want then, but see 
what happens with your change in film speed first.  They may be amenable to 
changing their processing if you show them the prints your getting  ;-) I 
guess it all depends on their setup.




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