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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

  • From: Clive Warren <cocam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 00:28:45 +0100

>Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 12:35:58 -0700
>From: Heather <meandmydal@xxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
>Hi Jaap!
>Yes I have seen your page, and thanks to it i have found this forum. When I
>started this project last week i went to the search engine and
>jeves pointed me to you, from there I found this list... Thanks!
>Your site was full of much  usefull information.
>Jaap Los wrote:
>> Heather,
>> Look at my homepage especially for beginners. There you find everything
>> about exposure and developing of IR HIE film. --

Hello Jaap,

I popped along to your website as I was wondering why Heather had not
picked up on the Infrared FAQ and found the reason.  You have linked to the
old and very outdated early version of the FAQ held on another site - this
is the version before I started work on it!

Please update your link to the FAQ on the CoCam website, thank you. Your
site is already linked in the www links section of the FAQ.

I will be updating the links section again soon as there have been a number
of submissions recently.  If anyone on the list would like to have their
site listed, then please use the "Add a link" function in the www links
section of the Infrared FAQ (URL in sig. file).

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment, Infrared FAQ

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