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metering and rules of thumb

>         I have done my infrared this way using ancient cameras w/o any
>         built-in meter with fine results. In fact, one of the things I
>         like most about IR is the ability to just go out and take shots
>         w/o any need to run convoluted exposure metering calculations  ;^)

This of course is true of any film, since they're all using the same light 
source (the sun) which thankfully doesn't change in brightness from week to 
week. There are times when metering is essential and times when it is not 
needed at all.  Knowing which situations are which is the key.

Most people that rely on metering don't pay much attention to patterns of 
exposure/lighting conditions and because of this can be oblivious to an 
incorrect reading.  But there are also times when you have to have some 
faith in your technology.

I have been in situations where I got very long exposure readings from my 
meter that just didn't seem right e.g. 3 mins @ f32 on an overcast day, 
open forest, just after a bush fire. I made adjustments for the fact that 
everything was black/dark grey but it still seemed way too long. Given the 
conditions I would have guessed no more than 15 seconds. I bracketed on the 
underexposure side just in case and wasted 1/3 of a roll on underexposed 
shots. The meter was spot on.

I keep an eye on conditions and exposures because about once a year for a 
period of about 3 hours I will consistently meter 2 stops over.  It's truly 
bizarre... mid roll, 2 stops over and consistent for the next few rolls and 
then suddenly back to correct exposure.

But give me full sun in the middle of the day and I'll just plug in 1/4 sec 
@ f16/22 and blast away (120 Konica, #25). You can meter all you like, but 
it isn't going to be any different from the day before.



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