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Re: Exposure problem w/Roundshot 220VR

  • From: Jook Leung <jook360@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Exposure problem w/Roundshot 220VR
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:56:06 -0400

I use the same camera and without referring to the manual, this is what I

If you set up for Variation Exposure On: the camera will speed up and slow
down according to the graph created by the exposure meter's prescan.
Extreme exposure variations create large or sudden motor speed changes that
can cause banding or uneven exposure. Worst if the shade blocks the light
hitting the exposure, the variation graph will be offset by many degrees.

Clipping the the graph will smooth out the the speed variations that the
motor goes thru when shooting in Variation Exposure On mode.

You can raise or lower the cliping bar with the +/_ buttons on the
controller. Clipping at 1 stop would be a good idea with transpaency film
as this will cause the camera motor to stay within a f-stop of the mean

At first I used this mode alot because it sounded cool, to speed up and
slow down according to the scene brightness. But because of where the meter
is located, it can cause the camera to speed up too late and slow down too

I generally setup to shoot at slower speeds: 1/30 and slower. The head
turns slower and the film moves slower means less stress on the motor and
less film jam ups.


>I just picked up a used Roundshot 220VR and have a few questions. With
>Variation Exposure "on" the scan graph always shows the dotted line
>sitting at +1 stop above the 0 line eventhough the graph may not even
>reach that height.
>Does the dotted line in this mode do anything other than allow you to cut
>the graph? The diagram in the manual always shows it sitting at "0" and is
>only moved when the graph needs to be cut.
>Currently, my images are overexposed at low exposure speeds (below 1/100)
>while all higher speeds shots seem fine. Does this behavior sound
>familliar to anybody? Thanks.

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J O O K   L E U N G
360VR Photography - Panoramic Photography for Virtual Tours
360VR.COM - Web Site Design and Hosting for Vitrual Tours
44A Honeck Street, Englewood, NJ  07631
Email: jook@xxxxxxxxx    Web:
voice: 201.894.5881  fax: 201.894.5882  mobile: 201.679.6177