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RE: scanning 6x24 and epson 2000p

  • From: "M. Denis Hill" <denis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: scanning 6x24 and epson 2000p
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:28:49 -0700

Have you checked out the new Microtek 8700
( Nice specs for a <$1k
scanner, if 10" transparency bay is long enough for you. We look forward to
your report on the 7500!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kathjeff@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kathjeff@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 5:43 PM
> To: panorama-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: scanning 6x24 and epson 2000p
> Scott
> I  have also been looking for a scanner, to do negs and trans.
> Not sure what
> I will go with, but MPG systems out of New York, refurbishes
> equiptment for
> Heidleberg (Linocolor software).  They now have the Opal Ultra
> II, flat bed,
> 17 inch bed, 1400 X 2400 DPI (check out the specs on
>  It sells
> for $1,450.00 with the Linocolor software.  Again, it is refurbished, and
> guaranteed for one year, and is PC and Mac compatable, as opposed to the
> Circon.
> As for printers, I have my eye on the Epson 7500, which takes the 100 foot
> rolls of 24 inch paper, and uses the archival ink with
> individual, large ink
> reservoirs, so you do not waste any ink.  Price $4,500 without
> the stand.  The
> 2000P was demonstrated at Seybold.  Kind of slow, and the ink
> cartridge is too
> small.
> Anyone had any actual experience using the 7500 Epson printer????
> Jeff Weisenburger
> Scott Perry wrote:
> > I'm shopping for a scanner that can handle my 6x24 cm negs and generate
> > files from which I can make approximately 11 x 44 inch quality inkjet
> > prints. Will a flatbed scanner with tranparency adapter provide enough
> > resolution? Any recommendations?
> >
> > If any of you are using Epson's new 2000P printer with the archival inks
> > and paper to print 13 x 44 panoramas, I'd like to hear your
> opinion of the
> > results including your estimate of the cost per print.  Thanks.
> >
> > Scott Perry
> > sperry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx