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Re: stitching software

  • From: Robert Erickson <cirkut8@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: stitching software
  • Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 09:19:28 -0800 (PST)

--- Clayton Tume <tume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Bob E what stitching software are you using?

For easy stitches, where there are no problems, I use
LivePicture PhotoVista. In under 5 minutes, with a few
clicks, I can stitch an image AND produce a webpage
with it spinning VR style. For difficult stitches
(such as when I shoot down using a birds eye view) I
use PanaVue Image Assembler. This true professional
tool takes longer to use but can produce a stitch that
would fail in most other programs. I have not tried
them all. PanoGuide ranked them both high. I tried
them, liked them, and bought them. Others are high
ranked and worth a look at 

> I've been to pano guide and had a look at a few,
> there's seems to be plenty
> of good stuff there. My needs are simple and up to
> now I've been using
> photoshop which I find slow but easy.

Using PhotoShop to do stitching shows me that you are
ignorant. What I mean here is not that you are stupid,
but rather that you use it only because you do not
have knowledge of anything better. Do yourself a
favor. Download a free trial stitching software
program and give one a try. Have tissues ready and be
prepaired to cry real tears of joy. :-)

After you have the final stitch save it and then open
it in PhotoShop to do the magic!

> Your comments on the 3 mega pixel cameras are
> interesting, I would have
> thought the extra quality would be worth having, my
> work will be mainly
> Cirkut sized prints, not internet images.

If you believe that a two megapixel digital camera
will give you an 8x10 print that is equal in quality
to one from film, then you must also believe that it
will give you an 10x60 stitched panorama that is equal
in quality to an 8x10 from film. :-)  The problem with
3 megapixel originals is that the resulting stitched
file is gigantic and the resulting prints do not look
any better. On the other hand a 3 MegaPixel camera
should give you a 16"x10 foot long panorama that is
equal to a 8x10 from film. WOW! If you are printing
panorama that are say three feet long or less, then
you can shoot with a one megapixel camera. These are
available for $200+ and will give you perfect 6x36
panorama. If you are shooting for the internet and
print media that will say fit on a 8.5x11 then you can
get perfect panorama using a half mega pixel, sub $100
point & shoot digital camera. :-)

BTY- The new digital Roundshot 360 degree digital
camera gives you a file that is only 1,000 x 2,900
pixels. This is a ONE megapixel camera! This baby
costs thousands of dollars but produces an image that
is equal in quality to a $200 point & shoot with a
fish eye lens attachment. Why should anyone spend the
money for the digital Roundshot? The same money would
be better spent on a new 1000 megahertz computer, 3
Megapixel digital camera, PhotoShop6, Stitching
Software, and 16 inch inkjet printer for those 16x44
inch prints. :-)

> Do you still shoot Cirkut cameras?

NO. I even shoot groups with my digital camera. My #10
Cirkut is for sale for $3000. I put it on Ebay twice
with no takers. :-(

Bob Erickson

Robert Erickson, cirkut8@xxxxxxxxx
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