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Re: Kodak to discontinue HSI?

  • From: Ken Sinclair <photo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Kodak to discontinue HSI?
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:31:28 -0600

When Kodak introduced the 4 x 5 Tech Pan film it was supplied in the "thin"
sheet. Their recommendation at that time was to use fully exposed and
developed sheets as a "backing sheet" for use in film holders. I used to
double-up as per instructions  but the back sheet would have the corners
cut such that I could easily tell which was the shhet needing a first
process. While it was, to a certain extent, a bit more inconvenient, it did
work quite well. I would rather go through the slight inconvenience than
lose HSI. You may have to end up "stretch-taping" the film in the neg
carrier if you are not using a glass carrier... again a bit of
inconvenience, but certainly cheaper than my trying to get a glass carrier
for my 25 year-old Durst L1000.



>The first problem that springs to mind is film flatness - both in the
>camera and the enlarger.  It's going to be a lot harder to keep the thin
>base acetate flat compared to the thicker Estar base.
>Secondly film loading will be a bit more difficult using the thinner base

[||/\/\/\/\/\/\||      Ken Sinclair RBP, FBPA
[||                            ||-|   Applied Photographic Services
[||                            ||  |  Lethbridge,
[||                            ||  |  Alberta, Canada,
[||                            ||-|   (403) 381-1654.
[||\/\/\/\/\/\/||      photo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
|__________________ |

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