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Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light

  • From: ClassicJan@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light
  • Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 22:22:16 EST

While on the subject of being extra careful can I get some feed back on 
keeping the film cool/refrigerated.  I am relatively new to working with IR 
and try to be careful about buying from shops that keep the film 
refrigerated. But when I talk to the folks at B&H in New York City the tell 
me they ship hundreds of rolls at all times of the year and do not 
refrigerated in shipping.  How do you all handle your film when out shooting 
and carrying the film with you as well as traveling and not being near 
refrigerators particularly in hotels and such?  For what length of time can I 
carry the film and not worry about keeping it cool.  Also how do you deal 
with x-ray machines in airports?

thanks          Jan
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