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Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light

  • From: Clive Warren <Clive.Warren@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Doh! Opened infrared roll for 1 second in light
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 08:44:26 +0000

>While on the subject of being extra careful can I get some feed back on
>keeping the film cool/refrigerated.  I am relatively new to working with IR
>and try to be careful about buying from shops that keep the film
>refrigerated. But when I talk to the folks at B&H in New York City the tell
>me they ship hundreds of rolls at all times of the year and do not
>refrigerated in shipping.  How do you all handle your film when out shooting
>and carrying the film with you as well as traveling and not being near
>refrigerators particularly in hotels and such?  For what length of time can I
>carry the film and not worry about keeping it cool.  Also how do you deal
>with x-ray machines in airports?
>thanks          Jan


There have been stories on the list about rolls of HIE left in hot cars for
several weeks before using and then only slight fogging being apparent.

When travelling in hot climates I always use a cool bag with a couple of
coolant packs that have been in the freezer.  In the USA it is always easy
to find ice - I tend to use that in Ziploc plastic bags inside the cooler

In the desert I keep the cooler bag wrapped in a couple of sleeping bags.
When travelling in the car I also place the cooler bag next to the air
cond. outlet and have it turned up to the max.

Exposed film is returned to the cooler bag and sealed in a separate Ziploc
bag to avoid any condensation problems.

X-Ray machines in airports - for the Western world hand baggage checks are
fine for IR film, and probably OK world-wide.  It's a different story for
luggage placed in the aircraft hold ie where all the suitcases are stored
during a flight.  Most airports now use a high powered X-Ray device which
zaps everything.  If you use a "lead" shield pouch for your films, the
X-Ray scanner  increases power until the contents of the pouch can be seen.

This is good for safety but will trash your film, so carry your film as
hand luggage and trust the X-Ray device.  Asking for hand searches in UK
airports tends to cause problems - ie they will not do a hand search and
you will attract unwelcome attention to yourself and your film canisters.
Usual problems are that a customs official will want to open a canister or
two to look inside before putting the film through the X-Ray scanner......

Carrying HIE in your pockets through the pre-flight security area is also
not recommended for the same reasons.  The metal canisters will set off the
metal detector and you stand the risk of a few canisters being opened for
inspection before they are put through the X-Ray scanner.

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment, Infrared FAQ
                            Adventures in Cyberspace - Digital Art and Photos

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