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Re: Maco thought

At 9:35 pm -0600 23/11/99, Don Roberts wrote:

>phillip geller wrote:
>> I have tried removing the AH dye  in agfapan with a water soak, it didn't
>> work.
>> I think that it may require an alkaline solution.
>Beat me to it huh?  Well the principle should be the same with the alkaline
>solution right?  You may have to add an extra water rinse before drying.  It
>looks like Roland Elliott no longer offers 120, just 220, so the Maco is
>still a
>desirable product.  Or perhaps it is only the EIR that is available in 220
>only.  Can you clarify Roland?
>     Don Roberts -Bittersweet Productions - Iowa City, Iowa

Expect that Roland will answer for himself, however information he recently
supplied for the IR FAQ states that both EIR and HIE can be supplied in 120
and 220 formats.

Have a look at the Infrared FAQ under the heading of "Cutting down 70mm
Infrared film" for an article by Roland on how to make your own 120 and 220
rolls.  The bottom of the article also contains pricing and shipping
information for those who would rather buy direct from Roland.

The Infrared FAQ lives on the CoCam web site at http:/

All the best,

                     Photographic Services, Filters and Equipment, Infrared FAQ
                            Adventures in Cyberspace - Digital Art and Photos

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