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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

  • From: Eckhard Stephan <eckhard.stephan@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:53:11 +0200


I just had a look at your IR pic. Great subject for IR and a nice
composition, but very grainy indeed. Besides that IMHO the print (or the
scan ?) is altogether a bit low contrast. But of course that's a matter
of personal taste...

Another thing - the following remark in one of your previous mails made
me think:

> As I said, i used
> the Kodak IR film and had my ASA set at 50. I had the processing done by a pro
> lab and then did my own contact sheets and printing. One of the things I was
> surprised by was the grain, Wow! Didn't expect that at all, and have since
> learned that the lower the ASA the more the grain. Someone has suggested I shoot
> it at 400 next time. 

You didn't set your camera's meter to ISO 50 and meter through the
filter, did you? If you did, this would explain the graininess and low
contrast of your pic - heavy overexposure...;-) When metering THROUGH a
Wratten #25 red filter, I'd suggest ISO 250 as a starting point
(personally I use ISO 320 during summer). ISO 50 to ISO 64 is correct,
if you meter WITHOUT the filter in place respectively with an external

All the best,


*          Eckhard Stephan             * 
*          Freiburg (Germany)          *
*     eckhard.stephan@xxxxxxxx         *	
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