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Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared

  • From: "Bill D. Casselberry" <bcasselb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Heather/Bio/Infrared
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:39:41 -0800

Heather wrote:
> Eckhard Stephan wrote:

> > You didn't set your camera's meter to ISO 50 and meter
> > through the filter, did you?
> Ahhh Ha! YES I did just that! Well, that explains a major 
> part of the problem!

	Hmmm, does no one even bother to read the insert in the HIE 
	packaging anymore? It is clearly stated that a starting point
	"for subjects in bright or hazy sunlight w/ distinct shadows"
	should be (through a #25 red filter) 1/125th @f11 for distant
	scenes. I think this is basicly an EI of 250 through the filter.

	I have done my infrared this way using ancient cameras w/o any
	built-in meter with fine results. In fact, one of the things I
	like most about IR is the ability to just go out and take shots
	w/o any need to run convoluted exposure metering calculations  ;^)  

	I agree that the lab should be asked about which different developers
	it has at hand. I have just used D-76 and like the results. Best
	solution, of course, would be to buy a small tank and soup it yourself.
	If you have a darkroom for making prints, ... why not? 

	Your chromogenic films are C-41 process which is a standardized
	process, quite unlike "true b&w" emulsions which are much more
	variable in the way they react to processing. Having a lab soup them
	is a prudent method which I often do myself, though I prefer the
	Kodak TMaxCN product to the Ilford. 


        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

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